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'With God all things are possible.'

Matthew 19:26

At Saint Nathaniel’s Academy we believe that mathematics is essential to everyday life. Teaching our pupils mathematics equips them with a powerful set of tools with which to understand and contribute to their world. These tools include logical reasoning, problem-solving skills and the ability to think in abstract ways. We aim for our children to thrive as successful, independent learners. We share Willingham’s belief that ‘whatever students think about is what they will remember…memory is the residue of thought. ’

Our mathematics curriculum is research informed; values and creates opportunities for children to think and develop their deep conceptual understanding; encourages observant learning, pattern spotting and generalising about the rules of the maths they are learning. Oracy and literacy are at the heart of what we do to make sure that children are fully engaged  in their learning. Every child  is known well by the adults working with them. Meaningful, timely interactions  with adults help children to feel successful, keep up and build confidence.


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