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Your career starts here!

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At Saint Nathaniel’s Academy, we recognise the important role that primary schools play in enabling our children to have high aspirations about their future and to introduce them to the wide range of jobs, skills and career pathways that lie ahead. We want to inspire our pupils and help them realise that if they develop our core school values of resilience, positivity and ambition, they can achieve their goals.

Our Careers Programme

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Careers led learning is structured in a variety of ways. Here are some of the examples of careers education and experiences that happen across the school:


  • PSHE sessions – Living in the wider world

  • Skills Builder programme – practical activities that focus on developing skills that are important in the world of work ( eg communication, team building, problem solving)

  • Guest speakers in school to share their career path, tell us how they achieved their ambitions and how they challenged stereotypes. We had recent visits from Stoke City Women’s football team and local Olympic gymnast Sam Oldham

  • Sessions with employers who tell us about their company and the roles within it and set tasks for our pupils to carry out. View the photos below to see our visit from Destination rail

  • Visits to workplaces to see a range of jobs in action

  • Enterprise initiatives – designing and making products in line with a set of criteria. See the video below of our Rymans Primary Enterprise challenge

  • Careers Fairs – pupils learn about a variety of careers and sectors, especially those in the local sector. Please see photos below of the careers fair at Co-Op Academy

Please watch our Primary Enterprise Challenge Day video.

Please see the gallery for activities that we have taken part in and visitors that we have had in school.

We are very fortunate to be part of the Opportunity Area Enterprise careers programme. This has enabled us to fund some of our careers activities and help us develop a careers programme in our school. We use the Gatsby Foundation guidance benchmarks to ensure we deliver a curriculum which begins to prepare children for the world of work that lies ahead.

These benchmarks are:


Benchmark 1: A Stable Careers Programme
Benchmark 2: Learning from Career and Labour Market Information
Benchmark 3: Addressing the Needs of Each Pupil
Benchmark 4: Linking Curriculum Learning to Careers
Benchmark 5: Encounters with Employers and Employees
Benchmark 6: Experiences of Workplaces
Benchmark 7: Encounters with Further and Higher Education
Benchmark 8: Personal Guidance



Mrs E Shaw is the careers leader in our school. If you have links with any companies or individuals that would like to come into school (or arrange an onsite visit) to help broaden our careers education further, then please email our office at who will pass your enquiry to Mrs Shaw.

Careers Project

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Pupil Feedback

"The enterprise challenge made me feel more confident. It has made me think of design jobs for the future."

"I really enjoyed the session today. I want to be a designer when I am older."

"The workshop has made me want to work on the railways. I want to work on trains in the future."

"I have used my creative skills and communication skills in the workshop today."

"The Destination Rail session helped me to work cooperatively in a team and helped me to learn

  how to work under pressure."

A great website that introduces children to a range of jobs and careers


A really useful section on the BBC Bitesize website about an A-Z of jobs that are out there


Another section on the BBC Bitesize section. Some of it is aimed at school leavers but there’s lots of videos and information about apprenticeships, university and a wide range of careers


Information on creative and digital media careers (one of our growth sectors locally).


Virtual university taster days. See what higher education is like!


There is some free access at the moment to these resources about being a computer games designer.


Information about jobs in the construction industry. Can you build it? Yes you can!


Lots of information about jobs in the NHS. There are some great videos to watch and an A-Z of careers in the NHS


Take a look at just how many jobs there are related to Science!


A website mainly aimed at secondary school pupils but it is full of ideas about jobs you may be interested in in the future. It also has lots of information  about going to college and university.


Useful Links

Career Inspiration!

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